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Publications 出版物

Most of my papers in the field of astrophysics have been published in international journals and written in English. I have also published papers and book chapters on my collaborative works with humanities scholars and social scientists, such as space ethics, space anthropology, and science communication. They are mostly in Japanese, with some exceptions such as this.


Journal Articles 雑誌論文

  • “21世紀の宇宙科学はアーレントから何を学べるか” 磯部洋明, Arendt Platz(日本アーレント研究会会誌), No.8, pp. 53-64 (2023)
  • “Public attitude towards the space policy in Japan and its implication to science communication”, Nagashima, R., Tamazawa, H., Isobe, H., Acta Astronautica 210, 36-44 (2023)
  • “表現の自由と倫理について語る前に—<<88の提案>>をめぐる議論ー” 磯部洋明, 京都市立芸術大学美術学部研究紀要 vol. 67, p79 (2023)
  • “宙漆―成層圏気球を用いたアートプロジェクトの検討と実践” 川瀬幹己, 久保尚子, 大嶋シュテファン, 髙岸航平, 山本大凱, 松岡夏輝, 大島美森, 磯部洋明, 大気球シンポジウム: 2022年度 isas22-sbs-040 (2022)
  • “ハンセン病療養所・長島愛生園における天文観測” 磯部洋明, Stars and Galaxies vol. 5, id. 1 (2022)
  • “Extreme Solar Flare as a Catastrophic Risk” Isobe, H., Takahashi, T., Seki, D., Yamashiki, Y., Journal of Disaster Resesarch, 17(2), 230 (2022)
  • 「近世・近代移行期におけるオーロラ認識の進展」北井礼三郎, 岩橋清美, 玉澤春史, 磯部洋明, Stars and Galaxies, 4, 2 (2021)
  • “Small-scale Turbulent Motion of the Plasma in a Solar Filament as the Precursor of Eruption”, Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Isobe, H. et. al. The Astrophysical Journal, 918(1), 38 (2021)
  • 「近世史料にみるオーロラと人々の認識」 磯部洋明, 岩橋清美, 玉澤春史, 書物・出版と社会変容 25 1 – 35 2020年11月
  • On the Ratios of Si IV Lines (lambda 1394/lambda 1403) in an Emerging Flux Region”, Durgesh Tripathi, V. N. Nived, Hiroaki Isobe, G. Gerard Doyle,m, The Astorophysical Journal,  894(2) (2020)
  • SMART/SDDI Filament Disappearance Catalogue” Daikichi Seki, Kenichi Otsuji, Takako T. Ishii, Kumi Hirose, Tomoya Iju, Satoru UeNo, Denis Cabezas, Ayumi Asai, Hiroaki Isobe, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Kazunari Shibata, Sun and Geosphere, 14/2 pp. 95-103 (2019)
  • Intense Geomagnetic Storm during Maunder Minimum Possibly by a Quiescent Filament Eruption Hiroaki Isobe, Yusuke Ebihara, Akito D. Kawamura, Harufumi Tamazawa, Hisashi Hayakawa, The Astrophysical Journal, 887(1) (2019)
  • 「宇宙とアート」の何が面白いのか (特集 アーティストのための宇宙論) 」磯部 洋明, 美術手帖 71(1078) 102 – 107 (2019)
  • “Small-scale motions in solar filaments as the precursors of eruptions”, Daikichi Seki, Kenichi Otsuji, Hiroaki Isobe, Takako T. Ishii, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Kazunari Shibata, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 71(3) (2019)
  • “A great space weather event in February 1730”, Hayakawa, H., Ebihara, Y., Vaquero, J. M., Hattori, K., Carrasco, V. M. S., de la Cruz Gallego, M., Hayakawa, S., Watanabe, Y., Iwahashi, K., Tamazawa, H., Kawamura, A. D., Isobe, H., Astronomy & Astrophysics, 616, A177, 11 pp (2018)
  • “Physics of Partial Ionization in the Solar Chromosphere Revealed by the Solar Optical Telescope Onboard Hinode” Isobe, H., in First Ten Years of Hinode Solar On-Orbit Observatory, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 449 (2018)
  • 「宇宙の演者か、それとも観察者か」, 磯部洋明, 現代思想 2017年7月号
  • “Records of auroral candidates and sunspots in Rikkokushi, chronicles of ancient Japan from early 7th century to 887” Hayakawa, H., Iwahashi, K., Tamazawa, H., Ebihara, Y., Kawamura, A. D., Isobe, H., Namiki, K., Shibata, K., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69, 86 (2017)
  • “Long-lasting Extreme Magnetic Storm Activities in 1770 Found in Historical Documents”, Hayakawa, H., Iwahashi, K., Ebihara, Y., Tamazawa, H., Shibata, K., Knipp, D. J., Kawamura, A. D., Hattori, K., Mase, K., Nakanishi, I., Isobe, H., The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 850, L31, 12pp (2017)
  • “Records of sunspots and aurora candidates in the Chinese official histories of the Yuán and Míng dynasties during 1261-1644”, Hayakawa, H., Tamazawa, H., Ebihara, Y., Miyahara, H., Kawamura, A. D., Tadanobu, A., Isobe, H., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69, 65 (2017)
  • “Increase in the Amplitude of Line-of-sight Velocities of the Small-scale Motions in a Solar Filament before Eruption”, Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Isobe, H., Ishii, T. T., Sakaue, T., Hirose, K., The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 843, L24, 5pp. (2017)
  • “Historical space weather monitoring of prolonged aurora activities in Japan and in China”, Kataoka, R., Isobe, H., Hayakawa, H., Tamazawa, H., Kawamura, A.D., Miyahara, H., Iwahashi, K., Yamamoto, K., Takei, M., Terashima, T., Suzuki, H., Fujiwara, Y., Nakamura, T.; Space Weather, 15, 392-402 (2017)
  • “Records of sunspot and aurora activity during 581-959 CE in Chinese official histories in the periods of Sui, Tang, and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms”, Tamazawa, H., Kawamura, A.D., Hayakawa, H., Tsukamoto, A., Isobe, H., Ebihara, Y., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69, 22 (2017)
  • “Historical Auroras in the 990s: Evidence for Great Magnetic Storms”, Hayakawa, H., Tamazawa, H., Uchiyama, Y., Ebihara, Y., Miyahara, H., Kosaka, S., Iwahashi, K., Isobe, H.; Solar Physics, 292(1), 12 (2017)
  • The earliest drawings of datable auroras and a two-tail comet from the Syriac Chronicle of Zūqnīn”, Hayakawa, H., Mitsuma, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Kawamura, A.D., Kataoka, R., Ebihara. Y., Kosaka, S., Iwahashi, K., Tamazawa, H., Isobe, H., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69. 17 (2017)
  • Earliest Datable Records of Aurora-like Phenomena in the Astronomical Diaries from Babylonia”, Hayakawa, H., Mitsuma, Y., Ebihara, Y., Kawamura, A.D., Miyahara, H., Tamazawa, H., Isobe, H., Earth, Planets and Space, 68, 195 (2016)
  • “East Asian Observations of Low Latitude Aurora during the Carrington Magnetic Storm”, Hayakawa, H., Iwahashi, K., Tamazawa, H., Isobe, H., Kataoka, R., Ebihara, Y., Miyahara, H., Kawamura, A.D., Shibata, K., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 68, 99 (2016)
  • “Aurora Candidates from the Chronicle of Qing Dynasty in Several Degrees of Relevance”, Kawamura, A.D., Hayakawa, H., Tamazawa, H., Miyahara, H., Isobe, H.; Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 68, 79 (2016)
  • “Observational Evidence of Particle Acceleration Associated with Plasmoid Motions”, Takasao, S., Asai, A., Isobe, H., Shibata, K., The Astrophysical Journal, 828(2), id. 103, (2016)
  • “On the Bright Loop Top Emission in Post Eruption Arcades”, Sharma, R., Tripathi, D., Isobe, H., Ghosh, A., The Astrophysical Journal 823(1), id.47 (2016)
  • “Unusual Rainbow and White Rainbow” A new auroral candidate in oriental historical sources”, Hayakawa, H., Isobe, H., Kawamura, A. D., Tamazawa, H., Miyahara, H., Kataoka, R., Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 68, 33 (2016) 
  • “Nonlinear Instability and Intermittent Nature of Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Chromosphere”, Singh, K. A. P., Hillier, A., Isobe, H., Shibata, K. Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 67(5), id.9611 (2015)
  • “UFCORIN: A Fully Automated Predictor of Solar Flares in GOES X-Ray Flux”, Muranushi, T., Shibayama, T., Hada-Muranushi, Y., Isobe, H., Nemoto, S., Komazaki, K., Shibata, K., Space Weather, 13(11), 778-796 (2015)
  • “Records of sunspot and aurora during CE 960-1279 in the Chinese chronicle of the Sòng dynasty”, Hayakawa, H., Tamazawa, H., Kawamura, A. D., Isobe, H. Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 14 (2015)
  • “Nonlinear instability and intermittent nature of magnetic reconnection in solar chromosphere”, Singh, K. A. P., Hillier, A., Isobe, H., Shibata, K. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 67, 5, 9611 (2015)
  • “Three-dimensional MHD Magnetic Reconnection Simulations with a Finite Guide Field: Proposal of the Shock-evoking Positive-feedback Model” Wang, S., Yokoyama, T., Isobe, H., The Astrophysical Journal, 811, 1, 31 (2015)
  • “Internal structure of a coronal mass ejection revealed by Akatsuki radio occultation observations”, Ando, H., Shiota, D., Imamura, T., Tokumaru, M., Asai, A., Isobe, H., Päzold, M., Häusler, B., Nakamura, M., Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 7, pp. 5318-5328 (2015)
  • “Do we disturb the universe?: Diversity in space as a grotesque hope for humankind” Hiroaki Isobe, Jaxa Research and Development Memorandum, JAXA-RM-14-012E pp75 (2015)
  • “Radial Distribution of Compressive Waves in the Solar Corona Revealed by Akatsuki Radio Occultation Observations” Miyamoto, M., Imamura, T., Tokumaru M., Ando, H., Isobe, H. et al. The Astrophysical Journal, 797, 51 (2014)
  • “Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejection Event Observed on 2010 November 3: Multi-wavelength Perspective” Sargam, M., Subramanian, S., Tripathi, D., Isobe, H., Glesener, L., The Astrophysical Journal, 794, 78 (2014)
  • “Flux Emergence (Theory)” Cheung, M.C.M., Isobe, H. Living Review in Solar Physics, 11, 3
  • “衛星データ利用芸術作品の制作と天文台への展示 ~作家は研究リソースのどこに興味をもったか~” 玉澤春史、樋本隆太、磯部洋明、科学技術コミュニケーション、15,91-106(2014)
  • “Outflow Structure of the Quiet Sun Corona Probed by Spacecraft Radio Scintillations in Strong Scattering”, Imamura, T., Tokumaru, M., Isobe, H. et al. The Astrophysical Journal, 788, 10 (2014)
  • “Numerical Simulations of Solar Chromospheric Jets Associated with Emerging Flux”, Takasao, S., Isobe, H., Shibata, K., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 65, 22 (2013)
  • “サイエンスカフェ参加者のセグメンテーションとターゲティング : 「科学・技術への関与」という観点から”, 加納圭, 水町衣里, 岩崎琢哉, 磯部洋明, 川人よし恵, 前波晴彦, 科学技術コミュニケーション, 13, 3-16 (2013)
  • “教材としての宇宙:答えのない課題を扱う教育プログラム『宇宙箱舟ワークショップ』”, 水町衣里, 磯部洋明, 神谷麻梨, 黒川紘美, 堂野能伸, 森奈保子, 塩瀬隆之, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, 12(007), 19-45, (2013)
  • “Can Superflares Occur on Our Sun?”, Shibata, K., Isobe, H. 他10名, Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan, 65, 8 (2013)
  • “Numerical Simulation of Three-dimensional Asymmetric Reconnection and Application to a Physical Mechanism of Penumbral Microjet”, Nakamura, N., Shibata, K., Isobe, H., The Astrophysical Journal, 761, 10 (2012)
  • “Multiple Plasma Ejections and Intermittent Nature of Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Chromospheric Anemone Jets” Singh, K. A. P, Isobe, H., Nishizuka, N., Nishida, K., Shibata, K. The Astrohysical Journal, 759, 33-47 (2012) 
  • “Numerical Simulations of the Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in the Kippenhahn-Schlueter Prominence Model. II. Reconnection-triggered Downflows”, Hillier, A., Isobe, H., Shibata, K., Berger, T. The Astrohysical Journal, 756, 110-115 (2012) 
  • “Numerical Simulations of the Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in the Kippenhahn-Schlueter Prominence Model. I. Formation of Upflows”, Hillier, A., Berger, T., Isobe, H., Shibata, K. The Astrohysical Journal, 746, 120-129 (2012) 
  • “Simultaneous Observation of Reconnection Inflow and Outflow Associated with the 2010 August 18 Solar Flare”, Taksao, S., Asai, A., Isobe, H.,. Shibata, K. The Astrophysical Journal, 745, 6-11 (2012) 
  • “人類の宇宙進出の意義に関する検討”,磯部洋明, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 JAXA-RR-11-006, 41-60 (2012) 
  • “Chromospheric anemone jets and magnetic reconnection in partially ionized solar atmosphere” Singh, K. A. P., Shibata, K., Nishizuka, N., Isobe, H., Physics of Plasmas, 18, 1210-1 – 1210-8 (2011) 
  • “Numerical Simulations of the Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in the Kippenhahn-Schlueter Prominence Model” Hillier, A., Isobe, H., Shibata, K., Berger, T., The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 736, L1-L5 (2011) 
  • “Observations of Plasma Blob Ejection from a Quiescent Prominence by Hinode Solar Optical Telescope”, Hillier, A., Isobe, H., Watanabe, H., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 63, 19-23 (2011) 
  • “Dependence of the Magnetic Energy of Solar Active Regions on the Twist Intensity of the Initial Flux Tubes”, Toriumi, S., Miyagoshi, T., Yokoyama, T., Isobe, H., Shibata, K. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 63, 407-415 (2011) 
  • “Fan-shaped Jets in Three-dimensional Reconnection Simulation as a Model of Ubiquitous Solar Jets”, Jiang, R-L., Shibata, K., Isobe, H., Fang, C., The Astrophysical Journal, 726, L16 (2011)
  • “Evolution of the Kippenhahn-Schlueter Prominence Model Magnetic Field under Cowling Resistivity”, Hillier, A., Shibata, K., Isobe, H., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 62, 1231 (2010)
  • “Ca II K Spectral Study of an Emerging Flux Region using Domeless Solar Telescope in Hida Observatory”, Otsuji, K., Kitai, R. 他著者6名, 7番目に掲載, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 62, 893 (2010)
  • “Spicule Dynamics over Plage Region”, Anan, T., Kitai, R. 他著書15名省略, 16番目に掲載, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 62, 871 (2010)
  • “Large Amplitude Oscillations in Prominences”
    Tripathi, D., Isobe, H. and Rekha, J., Space Sci. Rev., 149, 283 (2009)
  • “Reconnection in solar flares: Outstanding questions”
    Isobe, H. and Shibata, K., J. Astrophys. Astronomy, 30, 79 (2009)
  • “Multiwavelength Observation of Electron Acceleration in the 2006 December 13 Flare”
    Minoshima, T., Imada, S.; Morimoto, T., Kawate, T., Koshiishi, H., Kubo, M., Inoue, S., Isobe, H., Masuda, S., Krucker, S., Yokoyama, T., ApJ, 697, 843 (2009)
  • “Prominence Seismology: Wavelet Analysis of Filament Oscillations” 
    Pinter, B., Jain, R., Tripathi, D., and Isobe, H., ApJ, 680, 1560 (2008)
  • “Convection-Driven Emergence of Small Scale Magnetic Fields and their Role in Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration”
    Isobe, H., Proctor, M. R. E., and Weiss, N. O., ApJ, 679, L57 (2008) 
  • “An active region jet observed with Hinode”
    Chifor, C., Young, P. R., Isobe, H., Mason, H. E., Tripathi, D., Hara, H., and Yokoyama, T., A&A, 481, L57 (2008)
  • “Transient horizontal magnetic fields in solar plage regions”
    Ishikawa, R., Tsuneta, S., Ichimoto, K., Isobe, H., Katsukawa, Y., Lites, B. W., Nagata, S., Shimizu, T., Shine, R. A., Suematsu, Y., Tarbell, T. D., and Title, A. M., A&A, 481, L25 (2008)
  • “Large Amplitude Oscillation of an Erupting Filament as Seen in EUV, H-alpha and Microwage”
    Isobe, H., Tripathi, D., Asai, A., and Jain, R., Sol. Phys., 246, 89 (2007)
  • “Flare Ribbons Observed with G-band and FeI 6302・, Filters of the Solar Optical Telescope on Board Hinode”
    Isobe, H., Kubo, M., Minoshima, T. et al., PASJ, 59, S807 (2007)
  • “Triggering Mechanism for the Filament Eruption on 2005 September 13 in Active Region NOAA 10808” 
    Nagashima, K., Isobe, H., Yokoyama, T., Ishii, T. T., Okamoto T. J., and Shibata, K., ApJ, 668, 533 (2007)
  • “Ellerman Bombs and Jets Associated with Resistive Flux Emergence”
    Isobe, H., Tripathi, D., and Archontis, V., ApJ, 657, L53 (2007)
  • “The Early Phase of a Solar Prominence Eruption and Associated Flares: A Multi Wavelength Analysis”
    Chifor, C., Mason, H. E., Tripathi, D., Isobe, H., and Asai, A., A&A, 458, 965 (2006)
  • “On the Propagation of Brightening after Filament/Prominence Eruptions, as Seen by SoHO-EIT”
    Tripathi,D., Isobe, H., and Mason, H. E., A&A, 453, 1111 (2006)
  • “Three-Dimensional Simulation of Solar Emerging Flux Using the Earth Simulator I. Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability a the Top of the Emerging Flux as the Origin of Filamentary Structure”
    Isobe, H., Miyagoshi, T., Shibata, K. and Yokoyama, T., PASJ, 58, 423, (2006)
  • “Large amplitude oscillation of a polar crown filament in the pre-eruption phase”
    Isobe, H. and Tripathi, D, A&A, 449, L17 (2006)
  • “Self-Consistent MHD Modeling of a Coronal Mass Ejection, Coronal Dimming, and a Giant Cusp-Shaped Arcade Formation”
    Shiota, D., Isobe, H., Chen, P. F., Yamamoto, T. T., Sakajiri, T., and Shibata, K., ApJ, 634, 663 (2005)
  • “Measurement of the Energy Release Rate and the Reconnection Rate in the Solar Corona”
    Isobe, H., Takasaki, H., and Shibata, K., ApJ, 632, 1184 (2005) 
  • “Filamentary strucutre on the Sun from the magnetic Reylihg-Taylor instability”
    Isobe, H., Miyagoshi, T., Shibata, K. and Yokoyama, T., Nature, 434, 478 (2005)
  • “A Study of a Tiny Two-Ribbon Flare Driven by Emerging Flux”
    Sakajiri, T., Brooks, D. H., Yamamoto, T., Shiota, D., Isobe, H., Akiyama, S., Ueno, S., Kitai, R., and Shibata, K., ApJ, 616, 578 (2004)
  • A Reexamination of the Evidence for Reconnection Inflow
    Chen, P. F., Shibata, K., Brooks, D. H., Isobe, H., ApJ, 602, L61 (2004)
  • “Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Flare Loop Connecting the Accretion Disk and Central Core of Young Stelalr Objects”
    Isobe, H., Shibata, K., Yokoyama, T., and Imanishi, K., PASJ, 55, 967 (2003)
  • “Slow and Fast MHD Shocks Associated with a Giant Cusp-Shaped Arcade on 1992 January 24”
    Shiota, D., Yamamoto, T.T., Sakajiri, T., Isobe, H. Chen, P.F., and Shibata, K., PASJ, 55, L35 (2003)
  • “Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry” in Solar Coronal Arcade Formations
    Isobe, H., Shibata, K., and Machida, S., GRL, 29(21), 2014 (2002)
  • “Analysis of the Temperature and Emission Measure of Solar Coronal Arcades and Test of a Scaling Law of Flare/Arcade Loop Length”
    Yamamoto, T., Shiota, D., Sakajiri, T., Akiyama, S., Isobe, H., and Shibata, K., ApJ, 579, L45 (2002)
  • “Difference between Spatial Distributions of the Hα Kernels and Hard X-Ray Sources in a Solar Flare”
    Asai, A., Masuda, S., Yokoyama, T., Shimojo, M., Isobe, H., Kurokawa, H., and Shibata, K., ApJ, 578, L91 (2002)
  • “Relation between a Moreton wave and an EIT wave Observed on 1997 November 4 “
    Eto, S., Isobe, H., Narukage, N., Asai, A., Morimoto, T., Thompson, B., Yashiro, S., Wang, T., Kitai, R., Kurokawa, H., and Shibata, K. PASJ, 54, 481 (2002)
  • Reconnection Rate in the Decay Phase of a Long Duraion Event Flare on 1997 May 12 
    Isobe, H., Yokoyama, T., Shimojo, M., Morimoto, T., Kozu, H., Eto, S., Narukage, N., and Shibata, K., ApJ, 556, 528 (2002)
  • “Periodic Acceleration of Electrons in the 1998 November 10 Solar Flare
    Asai, A., Shimojo, M., Isobe, H., Morimoto, T., Yokoyama, T., Shibasaki, K., and Nakajima, H., ApJ, 562, 103 (2001)

Books 編著書

  • 「宇宙開発をみんなで議論しよう」, 呉羽真・伊勢田哲治編, 名古屋大学出版会(2022) 共著(第Ⅳ部-2 「宇宙開発の文化的価値」執筆) 
  • 「シリーズ宇宙総合学 全4巻」, 京都大学宇宙総合学研究ユニット編 (編集委員:柴田一成、磯部洋明、浅井歩、玉澤春史), 朝倉書店(2019)
  • 「宇宙総合学とは何か」シリーズ宇宙総合 (1), 朝倉書店(2019), 共著(第一章「人類が生きる場所としての宇宙」)
  • 「宇宙を生きる」, 小学館(2019), 単著
  • 知のスイッチ : 「障害」からはじまるリベラルアーツ」, 嶺重慎, 広瀬浩二郎, 村田淳編, 岩波書店(2019), 共著(第一章「われわれはよき宇宙人になれるだろうか」)
  • 宇宙倫理学」伊勢田哲治, 神崎宣次, 呉羽真編, 昭和堂(2018), 共著(第1章 宇宙活動はなぜ倫理学を必要とするか) 
  • 「スピリチュアリティと環境」, 鎌田東二編, ビイング・ネット・プレス(2015), 共著(第2部「宇宙環境とスピリチュアリティ」)
  • 「環境学ー21世紀の教養」, 京都大学で環境学を考える研究者たち著, 朝倉書店(2015), 共著(担当:2.4節)
  • 「宇宙人類学の挑戦」, 岡田浩樹, 木村大治, 大村敬一編, 昭和堂(2014), 共著(担当:第一章)
  • 宇宙のえほん図鑑, 蔵澄咲帆(絵), 磯部洋明(監修), 永岡書店(2013)
  • 「最新画像で見る太陽」, 柴田一成, 大山真満, 浅井歩, 磯部洋明著, ナノオプトニクス・エナジー出版局, 近代科学社 (発売)  (2011)